Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Prize: Ivory Tower Syndrome

The Prize: Ivory Tower Syndrome: The Ivory Tower There is a mental illness in politics known as ivory tower syndrome. The symptoms include losing touch with reality altog...


  1. Is this an actual case study so to speak?
    Is this real?

  2. # Hi Anon,
    No it is poure fiction. This whole blog is based on the Machievellian phrase "The Prize is a term commonly used inside politics to describe being in government. The prize is to be gained and once gained, never surrendered. There aint no second prize. Matters of policy, good governence and honesty take second place. To lose the prize is the most shameful, inept crime one can commit."
    This could be any government, anywhere, anytime throughout history.

  3. This sounds like bullshit to me!
    Are you taking the piss?
    anonymous from victoria

  4. #anonymous from victoria
    Thank you for your contribution.
    On the first count i suppose that is a matter of opinion.
    On the second count - yes that is the intention.
